I’m not gonna do, what everything thinks I’m gonna do..

I’m not gonna do, what everything thinks I’m gonna do..

I feel like I’m going to cry.
I looked up all the reasons this could be happening to this guy.. The one with all the ‘matos on it..
I might be watering him too much.
Or he has a vitamin deficiency.
Someone mentioned the black walnut tree.
I don’t think this guy was in the ground ever, so that’s probably out. And he’s not underneath the tree anyway.. And the others are doing fine?
I had a feeling it was the vitamins.. So I gave him some plant food on Tuesday. …. He’s more yellow than before!

His fleshy greens were just starting to turn red..
I am so sad, you guys.
I hope that food starts to do it’s job…?
*sadface to the max*