Comparison Shmomparison.

Comparison Shmomparison.

Because there is none. Not one. I am back on the bull for this week, and I have to tell you, I was not thrilled this morning. I ate a cheese and mushroom “fritatta” served with mealy, gooey apples. I say “fritatta” because it’s clearly just some button mushrooms thrown into a cup with eggs and Swiss, then steamed. I cooked breakfast for my brother and niece, which consisted of scrambled eggs, toast, and strawberries. So much prettier.
Moving on, this is what I just ate for dinner.
A stuffed cheesy chicken breast with mashed potatoes, peas, and corn.

Though the company tells you it is “fresh,” they mean thawed. Refrigerator temperature does not a fresh food make. Those mashed potatoes are of the Hungry Man variety. Which is why I mixed them with the vegetables.

Here’s what I was eating last week.
Chicken paillard with tomatillo sauce and Spanish rice.
I paillard’d all over it.

When I received the Freshology food, it came with tips for healthy eating. i.e. Drinking a glass of water before your meal, keeping fruit consumption to a minimum due to sugar content, and snack suggestions for hunger pangs.(two hard boiled eggs, yolks removed) It included a list of things to eat at restaurants(a bed of lettuce with chicken or tofu), while I had been kind of ordereing the least offensive thing on the menu. It also included a list of fruits that were extra high in sugar, like bananas, raisins and grapes, and prunes. The only fruits I was eating three servings a day for FOUR MONTHS! *RAGE* Bygones. Four more days and I’ll be back on that good stuff. It’s going to be a long four days.