Cherokee Purple.

Cherokee Purple.

This was the first tomato plant that I bought.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for this guy.
They’re supposed to grow big and strong and look like this.

Last night, I discovered I had sprouted a little tomato on my very first plant. I was so proud. I took my camera out there to document the event after Brad’s birthday party today.

There is a hole.
This hole has clearly been chewed! My poor, sacred, first ever tomato!
The little bitch also gd defecated on it.
WHAT’S WITH THINGS POOPING ON MY THINGS LATELY? (this could be a metaphor for my life)
We’re not even going to talk about why that flower is all shriveled and sad. WHY IS THAT FLOWER ALL SHRIVELED AND SAD?
A friend of mine told me last week that something had leveled all of her tomato seedlings, and she discovered a big fat black caterpillar rooting around the demolished plants. I hope that’s not what’s happening here. I hope this was just a fluke. I hope that caterpillar doesn’t have hungry friends. Loner caterpillar is on it’s way to becoming loner butterfly…?
Tomorrow, I think I’ll head to Home Depot and pick up some things to craft a few tomato cages, and get some netting to keep those little bitches out of there.
If they ruin my crop, I swear to crike.
I’m burning it all down.
….These bloomed.

I brought a bowl out to collect raspberries today.
I gathered about 9.
The reaping is not yet upon us.
I will, however, pick the perfect recipe to use them when it is.
I saw some raspberry lemon bars that looked pretty interesting. Maybe some raspberry scones?
(Scones are always fun for me, because they’re half cookie, half muffin. What’s not to like?)
The raspberries seem to be giving me a few more days to decide.